Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Do Not Forsake Others

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.  Hebrews 10:25  

As the new year approaches, l am very bothered by our ineptness of keeping in touch with others. l chatted with a man l know and have not talked with for months on end. I realize that it is important for us all to get back in the thick of things by keeping in touch with our loved ones more often - either family, relatives or friends. We also must not forsake and ignore those we love and keep in touch with.

When l was growing up as a young boy in the 60's, a day never went by when someone was not at my place to see me or my family, and vice versa. We went out and had plays with the neighbors and I had a ball. l also hung around with the boys and we fought. I went into the woods, too. I loved biking and climbing. Many times, I got dirty.

When l looked back, l loved those moments which were more than l could count. Now, almost 2011, l see the exact opposite. We are more useless and careless because we let the days go by without hardly even taking time to talk at any length of time with those we know anymore. This is very sad. l pray those happy days will come back before the Lord does, as we need each other all the more. Even our own families, we forsake them by spending more time watching some stupid football games or by getting busy with the internet. In addition, we are too busy with anything that comes up even with the short life the Lord has allowed us to live. If the Lord tarries, we should need to re-evaluate OURSELVES and not others. We should see our need to spend more time with our love ones rather than sit in front of a television or computer screen for hours on end. We should spend more precious times communicating with our families even for short talks only. Much more, sit with them and have a heart to heart talk. We need this to strengthen the family and be able to survive this evil, wicked, foul and vile world that smells heathendom and liberalism.

It is sad when we are more consumed about our own lives than taking the precious moments to give time to others who need it. We even submit ourselves to our own selfish and desirous pleasures. It is equally even sadder and worse when we don't fellowship with fellow Christians though we see the day approaching of the soon to be Lord's return, amen and amen. What a state we are in. We constantly struggle so much with all the wants and so called needs of this materialistic world. We want the "wants" for Christmas, but we keep our eyes closed to what is really around us - the need for fellowship. We should desire to be with our families and with the church. We should not neglect them. The church is a spiritual refuge for us. We are not to complain, too, when a loved one wants to talk about non-vitally important things. Being together and having a listening ear to someone are best traits we carry on through life.

We just got over Christmas, but l will ask you, what did you do for the Lord Jesus Christ this Christmas? Did you do for Him that He expects out of you? Did you try to win a soul for Christ? Did you weep with someone, a family member, due to some bad words that may have been said unintentionally? Did you go to the church house to be with other believers and pray with them? Did you keep them in your prayers every day when the Lord God allows you to live? Did you greet your neighbor next door for Christmas or send a Christmas card to someone the Lord lays on your heart instead of ignoring him, thinking he is not worth your time?

As the new year approaches what do you say, "we try our best to love our neighbors more"? What do you say to us - being more loving to our own families more often? What do you say to church goers - going to church more on a regular basis, be with other believers and not opt out to leave after the service is over; but STAY, fellowship after wards and truly see how each one is doing? Are you encouraging and lifting up those you know are in real need? Even those who are not in need still need a friend and someone to talk with. One of these days, a dear family member will die and you will travail horribly as you wish you have spent more time with him? Will you surely lament for his soul, if unsaved, because you never led him to Christ.

Even writing this, the Lord is convicting me on many things that l am so guilty of. I know all of you are guilty in some ways, too, of not doing what our great and loving God expects of us. We need to make it a point to not neglect the church, family, close friends, nor those at church. We will not cry for help, nor plea for salvation from the Lord's heart not unless we listen when He convicts till we do something to bring lost souls to Him.

Do not forsake each other when others need you the most. I felt l needed to write this as l have seen at this time of year, right at Christmas, the true needs of those that need us the most and who truly need the Lord in their lives. Let's pray more for everyone around us, ok?

I love you and pray for you all without knowing who you may be. A saved or lost sinner, makes no difference, rich or poor, happy or bitter, loving or hateful, black or white, race is no difference. Let's make an effort to do the Lord's work to encourage others, be together more often, and make the devil hate us more as we live for our mighty God.

May our sweet Lord Jesus Christ have His way with you all, and lead you into a submitted and obedient life with Him. May your life be joyous, content, happy and full of the Lord's peace, goodness, and holiness. That His conviction will keep you against His bosom, trusting in Him every day.

Happy New Year to all!

(c) December 26, 2010; Michael Carey

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Things Gained or Lost

 Reference:  Jeremiah 5:1-6:30

God tells us that He will use a foreign power as His instrument of judgment against His people. He did  this when He sent a mighty ancient nation to invade Judah, destroyed its crops, livestock, and overrun all its walled cities. I had picked out verses of Jeremiah 5:1-6:30 to make a short mention on this after a brief summary. 

As we see, God's judgment is on both Judah and Israel.  Many verses in the great book of Jeremiah also dealt on backsliding and backslidden Israel.  At first, the Israelites ignored and laughed at the great prophet, but  soon enough seemed to revolt when Jeremiah preached to them.  Yet, God had, does and will always have the final say in all things no matter who is backslidden or refuses to go forward and live for Him. This book is my favorite and Jeremiah is my favorite major prophet. The Lord deals with me much in reading this book. 

Now, let us look at the verse the Lord gave me. Jeremiah 5:25 - Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you.

(To save much time and deliberation, you will also need to read the whole chapter 5 plus chapter 6 as the above brief summary describes both chapters.  Pray the Lord will show you what is needed for you to know.)

That verse is great to me because it tells me that our iniquities, sins, transgressions, and constant breaking of the Lord's commandments have turned us from the Lord God.  He faithfully gives us life, new breath each day,  and renewed personal revival inside us, too. He gives us the physical power to go on everyday to do the things He required us to do as His followers. Yet, because of these, we have turned from our Lord who has liberally given us ALL good things.  He has lovingly given us so much, but we turn our backs on Him despite who He is.  What He has done for us, and for what He has given us, we should be ashamed to ignore. Our wickedness,  constant sins and transgressions have kept the Lord God, "the Holy One of Israel", from giving us the blessings that He wants us to have. Our rebellion, constant unfaithfulness, needless complaints, and nasty dispositions have separated us from the Holy God who wants to bless us.  Because of the reasons above, He holds back much from us. He will deal with our backslidings as well.  We will suffer the great and terrible consequences of our unconfessed sins if we would not come before His throne of grace and ask for mercy. We must submit and be subjected to His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and vileness. He will convict us terribly if we would refuse, deny, reject and disgard Him.  He is  holy, just, righteous, faithful, loving, merciful, full of truth, and full of grace.  But, He is also full of anger and wrath if we would dare to abuse  Him daily.  

Friends, yet we take ALL God did for granted.  HOW DARE US to do these to the one who gave His life for our rotten lives.  It should of been each one of YOU and me on that cross!  GOD will destroy all those whom He has given so much, yet refuse and reject His Son Jesus Christ till death.

Our wickedness, stinking pride and putrid sins will keep the Lord back from giving us all He loves to give us.  He  does want to bless and give us much so that we can give back even more to Him. Are you a follower of the Lord?  Are you a doer? Do you give yourself to Him as the ultimate sacrifice? 

The best thing you can give to the Lord is YOU to HIM each day.  Live a surrendered, holy,  and acceptable life to Him, if you are saved. Give yourself as a living sacrifice to the Lord in heaven.  Let Him use you the way He wants to so that you can be better equiped in serving Him all the days of your life.

Do you want the devil to overrun you?  Do you want to live for him and sin, without any remorse and conviction from the Lord? He will quench His Holy Spirit in you if you would backslide till your death.  When You call upon Him, do not be surprised.  He will not respond. 

Yet, there is always hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Those  who are in the sewers of the gutter can still be saved.  God can take them out from there and bring them to heaven after  their acceptance (John 3:3), repentance (Luke 13:3,5), belief (Acts 16:31, John 3:16,17) and verbal admittance (Rom.10:9). It is just a matter of losing one's pride.  Stop thinking you will get by with good works.  The God-approved ones come only after salvation.  

I  pray the Lord will bless those who are serving Him faithfully.  l also pray for those who are not saved yet that they will be convicted.  I pray, too, that they would allow the Lord to save them because only Jesus can make them enter heaven and miss going to Hell, in Jesus name.  Amen.

(c) December 12, 2010; Michael Carey

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy News: New Website For Caremikenluisa!

They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lamentation 3:23

Friends, we have a new website - Twosome Faithfulness.  This is a dream-come-true for us because we have been longing for one (and free!) we can consider truly ours.  The dream has been there ever since we have discovered we, too, can write a blog.  We are just starting so that the discovering of better things for the website in lieu of another by surprise is very exciting.

Come and visit us at Watch how we do things there from scratch (and without  background of virtual "science" and the internet).  See you there soon!

God bless us all.

                                              Mike and Luisa

Monday, December 6, 2010

Someday Soon We Go
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.  Matthew 28:19,20
This song touched my heart because it reminded me that one day soon, at God's appointed time, couple Mike and I will go to where He would lead us to share the gospel to anyone who would listen. Thanks for your continued prayers...


To the regions beyond I must go, I must go
Where the story has never been told;
To the millions that never have 

heard of His love,
I must tell the sweet story of old.

To the regions beyond I must go, I must go,
Till the world, all the world,
His salvation shall know.

To the hardest of places He calls me to go,
Never thinking of comfort or ease;
The world may pronounce me 

a dreamer, a fool,
Enough if the Master I please.


Oh, you that are spending your 
leisure and powers
In those pleasures so foolish and fond;
Awake from your selfishness, folly and sin,
And go to the regions beyond.


There are other “lost sheep” that the 
Master must bring,
And to them must the message be told;
He sends me to gather them out of all lands,
And welcome them back to His fold.


(c) December 6, 2010 - Luisa Mercado