Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Luisa Undergoing Physical Therapy

Give THANKS unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people. 1 Chronicles 16:8 

God truly answers prayers in His own time.  For months, I had been praying for a foundation to sponsor my free therapy since the available ones are beyond my affordability.  I have been like this for three years, previously with on-off treatment because of financial constraint.  The paralysis made me sad because even  the  online tutorial I wanted so much to work for, I was not accepted because of my difficulty in speaking.  I wanted to work and earn for myself so that I would not be dependent on my family anymore.

One day, out of despair, I wrote a question in the Yahoo Question and Answer Forum.  I heard about singing therapy being a good speech-disability cure.  A retired American Pathologist replied that I rather go through formal therapy instead and recommended an American website.  To make the story short, I emailed two foreign websites from USA and UK.  The UK website gave me the website of National Counsel for Disability Affairs, a Non-Government Organization in the Philippines helping disable people.  That was the only time it dawned on me that I was a disabled person already and there is help in the Philippines even for poor people like me.  

I emailed the NGO immediately.  Usually, answers in the other websites abroad took only one or two days.  There was no reply so I just let it go.  I thought it was end of the rope.  Deep in my heart I said, if it is God's will that I would have therapy, something would happen somewhere soon.

After a week of silence, I was surprised that a lady called and told me about the response of NCDA. She was representing NCDA CARAGA Region (where my hometown belongs).  I emailed the national office.  It took one week for them to arrange who should take charge of my case. CARAGA Region NCDA would be willing to help me anywhere I would have treatment in the region.  She would arrange for the therapy clinic, possibly free of charge or with very minor fees. Since she could not understand me, she emailed me with instructions.  The following days were several emails from them and my responses.

This was very unexpected!  God had arranged everything for me.  I had no temporary home to stay in, and no finances to support me.  Most of all, I did not know anybody in the venue of the therapy. But, I asked two IFB pastors for a bible baptist church I would affiliate with. Yet, I completely trust God to provide me everything I needed from finances (people who contributed more than enough), to temporary home, to new friends, and to a very good bible baptist church, too.  Everything He provided, to my great amazement!

Now I am here doing the therapy.  I do not know when it will end.  But, I trust God it would be very soon.  He did it before.  He can do it soon.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path. (Proverbs 3:5,6)

Thou art worthy, O Lord, TO receive GLORY and honour and power: (Revelation 4:11a).

(c) Luisa Mercado; August 31, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bless the Lord - Psalm 103:1-5 (Part 1)

BLESS the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Psalm 103:1
I plan to take one verse at a time and try my best to expound on it. Do you know what the word bless means without looking the word up? It means "grant divine favour to." Give favour to with much heartfelt favour, as giving to the LORD with no thought about receiving back from Him, but being surprised when He does give something back to you.  You better see it quick, acknowledge Him, and thank Him no matter what small or large thing He has allowed you to have. Never forget what He did or gave you. 

How to bless the Lord in one way? bless the LORD Himself. How? Easy. Just simply thank Him with an outstretched hand and acknowledge Him.  Show Him you are reaching to touch the Hand and Face of the one who saved your wretched soul from hell, if you are saved. Thank Him.  Show Him divine favour. Show the Lord Jesus Christ the favour that He showed you as He died in your place on the old rugged cross at Calvary. Bless the LORD for His saving grace and His will to allow you to live instead of mooching off of Him.  Stop complaining everytime something wrong goes on in your life.  Take time for Him and pray to Him. Furthermore, thank our blessed Lord God for giving you trials and tribulations.  Most never have because most of us do nothing for Him to show Him the favour and lovingkindness that He showed us.  The Lord constantly shows us and gives grace to every one of us every day we wake up.  He enables us to see the light of day. We moan and groan in us all the day brings.  He cry at all that happen throughout the day.  We mope around like someone on dope, oblivious to all around us and then get angry when someone seems to be given or blessed by the Lord more than we. If we want the Lord's blessings, we better bless Him and give Him favour more than ever.  It is the faithful Christian who is submissive to His will, obedient to His call, who gives his or her all to the Lord, walks with Him and talks with Him every day, has a glow about him when he does His will, and who gives with his all with much love to glorify the Lord in all things thereby He is exalted and lifted up.  The LORD will give and bless that person more than one who gives back to Him with a hard heart and expects the Lord to give, give, and give with great expectation to receive something. This ill-expectant man has much pride, unfaithfulness and a selfish, sinladen heart (Jeremiah17:9)
"BLESS THE LORD, OH MY SOUL".  "O my soul" - too many times we say it because we are weary, tired, too ill, have a little cold, don't like the weather as we can't go out, etc. You sissy if you're a man, and prissy if you're a woman. Many say, "My soul is so tired.  l don't like it so rotten, and my soul is grieved". Yes, your soul should be grieved when you complain about yourselves!  Instead, you should be sold out to the Lord God and not to the devil who is father or lies and deceit. Your soul should have yearning to be sold to Christ our Lord and not to the things of the world. 

When your soul is in a true deep grieving, you are blessing the Lord and longing to be with Him.  You have the urgency in serving Him with all your heart instead of being half hearted in all things pertaining our Lord Jesus. Instead of going 1 mile for Him, double what you do for our Saviour each day.  Do more for Him.  Bless and thank Him.  Show Him divine favour instead of expecting it from Him all the time.  After all, He either saved you from hell, or if you are unsaved, He has allowed you to live ONE more day.  You are only alive by His grace for one more day to enable you to turn to Him with all your heart and accept Him as your Saviour.  That is why Jesus is allowing you to live one more day.  It is a miracle taking place.  He is our omnipotent God.  He gives and shows us grace and mercy each day. He wants to draw us close to HIM so that we can admit our sinfulness. We are sinners.  Let us humble ourselves, believe on and in Him, repent of our rotten sins, be convicted, and ask Him in our hearts. When we do that, we become children of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
'AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME...'  It says ALL that is within us, more than what the world can offer us.  We don't thank the world for all we have and what it may have given to us. The world can not save us from hell nor can it give us sweet comfort.   It cannot give us relief from our burdens of sins.   Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ can. With ALL our soul, heart and mind, let us give thanks unto the Lord for His unspeakable gift - Jesus Christ - who died in our place.  Let us think about this:  it could of been every one on earth that could have died on a trillion trees to allow Him to live.  Do you think if it could have been us in His stead, would we do that for the Lord? Definitely NO!  But,  He died for us. His blood cleanses us all from sin.  All there is for us to do is confess Him then walk with Him.  We can only do that if we get saved.  

We can't walk with a holy God if we reject His free gift of eternal salvation.  If we do accept Him and His free gift and become born again (John 3:3), He will prepare a place for us in heaven. So, all that is within us bless God,give Him heartfelt, deep thanks, glorify Him in all His glorious holiness, and have a consuming-fire yearning and desire in us to be close to Him.  "ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME" - ALL to me that is the key word. If we have no desire to serve God, don't. We keep living the way we are and He will deal with us in HIS time and in HIS way.  But, we can have peace with God and a life more abundant IF we "call upon the name of the Lord" and we shall be saved.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, friend, and thou shalt be saved.
"BLESS HIS HOLY NAME". He is holy and His name is also.  We are not. We can be like him if we are to "so be ye holy in all manner of conversation: because it is written, Be ye holy; for l am holy (1 Peter 1:15b -16)".
We are to be like Him.  Holy means sacred; acceptable to God.  Are you acceptable to Him?  Are you holy in His eyes? Or are you in the distance trying to put on a front in front of others trying to be righteous? Stop being a hypocrite. We should be rejoicing with joy unspeakable and full of glory ( 1 Peter 1:8).  We need to be more Christlike in our actions,  talks, dresses, attitudes, countenances, and responses in front of others. We will never be perfect, but some of us will when we go home to be with the Lord in heaven. Are you ready? Are you saved, sanctified and sure? Or are you unsure, at unrest, and unstable? Heaven is only 1 breath, my friend. Hell, too, if you are unsure about your destination.  Make your important decision now.
Read: Acts. 16:31, Romans 10:9-13, 1John 5:12-13, John 3:3,16-17  Revelations 20:14-15,   Hebrews 9:27,    Revelation 21:8.

© Mike Carey; August 13, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The fear of the LORD [is] to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. Proverbs 8:13

A bad word amongst us, eh? No likes hearing about that little word. Never call me prideful or that l am proud. No not I, not any of you. Never a woman who deems so sweet and a man who tries innocently to be on good behaviour. Bah humbug. Don't be full of dog doo and shoo it off as something that others have more than you. Pastors have it as well as those in the pews. Others who do not go to church have it, too.
I tire of pride myself because l am full of it.  l am not ashamed to admit it, but I am ashamed that I have it.  What about you? Are you? Or are you too full of yourself to even see yourself that way?  Church member, what about you? Pastors, what about you? Anyone who reads this, what about you? l pray God Almighty will convict every one of you so horribly that you cannot bear it.  If you are not convicted or feel nothing, you are not only dead inside, but YOU are full of pride.  You will just pass this off as me just doing a writeup for our blog? Do not think of it that way. YOU will pay dearly no matter who you are.  Either you could be a preacher,  a pagan heathen, an idolater, a sodomite, a killer, a liar, a cheat, rapist, etc. You who reads this that the Lord gave me, He has given this to me for a reason.  This is not for something to just do.  He gave me this verse so that anyone of you needs to read this.  Until you are convicted terribly, confess your sins and get right with God, you will go to hell if not saved. 

Isaiah 59:1,2 state 'Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that HE WILL NOT HEAR.' The bold capitalized is my own. But nevertheless the Word of God. One day God will not hear. DO you want that He will not hear your crying out to Him for salvation and death from hell?
I write this with the verse in mind.  Proverbs 13:10 states 'Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.'
We are not well advised as we all think we are. We are not full of wisdom as much as we think we are. All of us are full of something, but it is not wisdom. As l age gracefully, l try to, yet it is hard to do when I am in a world full of sin, pride, dissension, rebellion, lust, and wicked depravity, much backsliding and backbiting.  Why I think the Lord has allowed me to live this long?  It is because He wants me to see so much evil while still not taking me home yet. I long for His coming and His glorious appearing.  But, why He allows me to live?  It is because it is still HIS will. He is not finished with me yet.  He still has things for me to do for HIM and not for me.  He wants me alive even though l get out of hand at times and away from Him although l do not want to.
l believe pride is the cause of many sins. The much unconfessed sins, l believe have. 1 John 1:9 says, 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' PERIOD. How to get rid of our stinking pride (All of you have it, too.  Do not think you are exempt because you are NOT). As Leonard Ravenhill once said, 'you stink with pride'. 

Now Ravenhill was a man who NEVER compromised what he preached and taught on.  We need more preachers like him,  Finney, Jones, Sundays, Moody, Evans, and Whitefield.  But now, we hear many messages geared towards everyone who wants to hear nice words said to them (except for some really true preachers). These pulpiteers are full of themselves and with much pride. This is why they hear nothing from the Lord on what messages to preach on, but speak on what they want. Do you think God will be pleased with them?  Never.

Friend, let me tell you these:          
  • 'Only by pride' cometh undoctrinated heathens who speak from themselves and never have the touch of God in them.
  • 'Only by pride' cometh those who refuse to listen to sound Bible doctrine taught.
  • 'Only by pride' cometh those who NEVER preach on standards (SHORT hair for men, LONG hair for women, proper dress and conduct).  Most are very guilty on this. This will get to some as l know many who do not preach on these things. You preacher, it is your duty to a Holy and just God. You preach what God tells you to.  If He tells you to speak on standards, you better do it and don't make light of it.  Do not preach a watered-down sermon to suit those in the pews.
  • 'Only by pride' cometh wolves in sheeps' clothing who steals members from churches or take over a church and teach things that gradually becoming cults. Weaker Christians or even some very strong ones are unaware and misled.   
  • 'Only by pride' cometh the pewsters in the pews who know it all and will try to rip apart the Lord's house by getting followers to follow them.
  • 'Only by pride' cometh the woman with a big mouth who cannot shut up in church.  She brings her opinions instead of her husband's who is supposed to ask the questions to the Pastor.     
  • 'Only by pride' cometh the man who is a loof and a big poof in the sense that he is sacred and that he should be revered by everyone. With his nose high in the air, he seems to say: "Look at me.  l am somebody. Notice me. l am most important".  No you are not! Sit down and listen in church or leave and do not come back.
BUT, with the well-advised, is WISDOM because:
  • wisdom is humility towards God first, then others.
  • wisdom is grace to those who may not deserve it, but show it anyway.  It is putting yourself last in all things and thinking less of yourself.
  • wisdom is common courtesy in times of hatred and disrespect  by others looking down on you.  You show courtesy in the most vile and hardest of times because you love the Lord and you put Him first in ALL things.
  • wisdom is putting others first without giving yourself a thought in things you need or want.
  • wisdom is keeping quiet when you do not want to letting others talk.  Please remember Proverbs 29:11.
  • wisdom is speaking only when the Lord leads you to and not because you want to say something.
  • wisdom is learning from others who has more wisdom and knowledge than you.  It is accepting with a smile that you have learned something new and have never known before.
l am sure you all can think of things concerning wisdom and pride.  You can even make a list of them.  Yet remember, pride will destroy you and your life.  It will make others around you distance themselves from you.  It will cause you to have less and less friends.  It even drive away people from speaking to you. 

The cure for pride is not you nor what you have.  It is not even how you live and what you give to others or the church. It is wisdom you receive from reading and studying  the word of God, His KJB.  It is a prayer life that is centered around the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Lord will then answer and honour your requests whether yes or no (He really knows better). It is life that is God centered and not self centered. It is life that Christ can give you, not what man or the world can offer you. It is what you put into it, as you can only get out of it when you will be willing to put into it.  It may either be much sweat, tears, maybe even some of your own blood, a labour of love towards our Lord, witnessing, travailing prayer, or life that is acceptable to the Lord. Does He look down on you and say: "She/He is my friend and my faithful servant who willingly does all l command him/her?" Well, are you? Or is pride keeping you from that personal relationship and intimacy that the Lord longs and desires from YOU?  Are YOU walking with Him or are you walking alone on a path that is headed for backsliddenness or hell?  

It is your choice, my friend. By the way, the Lord got me on this too, and l pray He will you too.  Praise our Lord. 

(c) Mike Carey; August 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What Are You Filled With?

I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be move. Psalm 16:8

A great verse and one we take for granted because we are to be moved in many things in the life we each have to live. The main thing is WE ARE to set the Lord always before us as when we don't .  We allow outside influences to invite us to be a part of them and interfere in the lives of our loved ones and us. We need to be  moved on many things.  But when it comes to our great, big, giant God who can do whatsoever He wants, we need to humble ourselves in His sight.  When we do, He can move us to do some things for Him without wavering and giving up.  We can be moved in making life-changing decisions that will affect us, our families and those around us; whether at work, home, on the road, wherever we may be and for the better. When the Lord is ALWAYS before us, He is beside us helping us make the right decisions in everything we do each day. IF we have dependance on Him, He should be the major influence in all our lives so we can be encouraged to do better for HIM each day without losing face and doubting. When we doubt we call Him a liar.  Yet, He never lies. When He is not beside us, then we have left our first love.  We have put Him on the back-burner to tend to our own personal needs without any thought of God wanting a closeness with everyone of us. If He is not before us, He is not.  Chances are, we are horribly backslidden or just plainly lost and on your way to hell.  This is not His will we go there. We are not predestined to go to hell. When we set the Lord before us, He can be at our right hand.  

Me? He is on my left hand as l am left handed, hahaha. Did you smile on that one? l believe some of you have to lighten up and be moved by that.  If you don't accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour, He will move you to a place of torment and utter blackness.  Such horrific darkness with much great grief and pain. When you see the Lord move in your life you need to be moved to Him to make more of a commitment to Him to live for Him. When you do not move to Jesus Christ, He is still there waiting for you to come unto Him.  He will give you rest from all your weariness. Move to God and He will make His move towards you. Move away from Him and He will be waiting for you, but at a distance so He will always hear you when you call to Him, if you decide to.
When you become saved or born again, His Holy Spirit comes immediately in you.  Remember Ephesians 5:18, "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;"  Do not be drunk with the world, the lusts of the flesh and eyes, and the pride of life.  But, be filled with the Holy Spirit. When you are, the Lord Christ will move in you and show you where you need to be:  to serve and fulfill His will for your life. You will not need to move according to what the world and Godless man tells you. Do not be overcome with them and their ways, but overcome them with what the Lord can lead you to witness to them with love, mercy and grace.  Humbly look on yourself as worst than they because you are not better than them.
I think of a sweet tender biography l read on Helen Ewan. She was saved as a teenager and she died at 22. She was so overjoyed in her salvation that she had a prayer life that the old time preachers would have coveted after. She was filled with the Holy Spirit  and had a love for others.  She devoted her life to Jesus Christ and prayer so much, l really believe she was like Enoch in Genesis, when the Lord looked at her.  l truly believe He allowed her to die before her time at the young age of 22 so that He could have her in heaven. The Lord saw her as one who had such a love relationship and deep love for Him, and for others.  He was taken with this young lady and just had to have her in heaven with Him. She could have died of something else, but l believe the Lord took her because He was touched in a way none of us could ever touch Him.  He just took her home so she could praise, glorify and shout the victory forever.  She would be forever with our Lord and to be constant in honouring such a holy God.  It is sad that many of us don't serve Him. Yet, this young special lady did it all and gave her all to our Jesus who died on Calvary. She served the Lord faithfully and without any adulation or kudos from others.  She gave her ALL to the one who saved her.  Now, she lives forever in heaven. 

When alive she rose every 5 in the morning to study the Word of God, to commune with the Lord and to pray.  She prayed for 300 missionaries, and the Lord gave her a burden for this. Do you have burden to pray for many people?  Do you pray for the lost, even call them all by name? Are you too wrapped up in yourself? 

When she went to Glasgow University in Scotland, all who told filthy jokes when they saw her coming, they stopped immediately and the heavy presence of the Lord was felt as she walked by them. She led many students to the Lord. She was not only filled with the might of the Holy Spirit, but she had the awesome power of God's touch on her and in her life. How we need to pray to be more like her as she led a Christ-filled and Christ-centered life. She was holy in her walk with him. She was a true exception. How we all need to be like our Lord Jesus Christ who is perfect. She was not, but she lived the life only all of us could ever dream of. She set the Lord before her always. He was always first priority in all things every day. Because God was at this young girl's right hand, she was not moved by unholiness. 

Deuteronomy 10:12 states 'What doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul. 

Helen Ewan lived the life that so many of us never could do, won't do, and never will do. What about you? Man? Lady? Boy? Girl? The power of God is in you if saved. You just need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and serve God with all your heart, soul, mind, might and power. She had the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-26). What do you have in you? 

© Mike Carey; August 13, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Our Problem... God's Solution

We have a serious problem and one that is a reality whether people know it or not. Most are ignoring it and putting it aside as if it is nothing to really consider. It is sin and rebellion against the Holy and Just God who hates sin, religion, a rebellious  and hard heart, and pride. Too many people are caught up being religious.  This is a deadly, dangerous, and detrimental. We have masses of youth commiting suicide and thinking it is the way out and if done, it will bring them much peace and they will be better off.

We have whores on the streets selling themselves and young girls mesmerized by the Hollywood crowd thinking that glamour and the very alluring trends of clothes they wear are proper.  In reality, all they bring is death, rape, murder and incest where parents engage sexual practices with their siblings. We have gang-fights and drive-by shootings, rapes, mini-skirted and bikini-ed wenches, and shirtless-muscled (show-ff) men thinking themselves to be somebody. This is not wholesome, but pitiful and shameful in the eyes of the most righteous, holy Lord God.

We have pedophiles and deranged sex addicts who prey on young boys and girls, even infants.  These vile and leud  perverted heathens are brainwashed believing in what they do is right.  They sell children to unmentionable people involved in this mental sickness.  The NAMBLA is a secret organization in the United States promoting this very cruel, contemptible and very very wicked practice - sex between men and boys, and even youth! l don't even dare to say what is involved in this very evil sect. People involved have VERY vile, wicked, and downright derogatory live. 

By the way, NAMBLA stands for NORTH AMERICAN MAN BOY LOVE ASSOCIATION.  Please never allow your children to view or read what they do.  Explain to them subtly the evils of it is and to avoid it at all costs, or lose your child to it if you don't. This wickedness will continue and carry on till our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ comes back. Read Romans 1 verses 18 to the end.  Apostle Paul warned us even then. Please, please be on your guard and protect your children (youth,too) at all costs.  Stand against the things that are depraved, wicked and evil.
We have wicked doctors aborting precious INNOCENT little babies who never asked to be born. They did not ask to be born, nor should anyone 'shed innocent blood', blood of the innocents l call it. Damnable practices these days as many are aborted legally.  These fetuses are real humans.  How wrong and uncalled for the death of precious little ones. GOD hates this, as He does all rotten sins.

We have many most sincere people who seem so nice and understanding, yet getting secretly involved in sodomy.  GOD hates and abhors this pagan idolatrous sin.  It is the most degrading, demeaning, self-destructive sin to me.  l hate even thinking of it.  All these and other rebellion against the Lord is sin.  Even the smallest, littlest lie, if never confessed and repented, and turn to Christ for salvation, will send them all, and maybe most of you who reads this, to Hell.

We have sin city in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the New Orleans Mardigras.   They may be the most sin infested and perverted places on earth (Africa is a "silent" place, but AIDS runs rampant). Such things as beastiality is so called normal among so many peoples now a days.  This is downright rotten and not to be mocked or laughed at. You laugh, but GOD will have the last laugh very, very soon.

All these and still people harden their hearts to.  As the day of the Lord draws closer, He will come and reign supremely.   He will get rid of the filth, vulgarity, whores, stinking sodomites, and all the sin-soaked perverted people who reject, deny, blaspheme, curse Him.  All the self-professed Christians who are actually non-christians, men behind the pulpit who are not saved, and all who shake their stinking puny little fists in the face of GOD will get their share. Bunch of Christ rejectors who think they are sin-free and have no need of the LORD will suffer, too.  But, before that final day will arrive, if they don't admit themselves as sinners,  be convicted, confess their sins, repent, ask heartfelt forgiveness from the Lord, get right with Him, believe and receive Jesus Christ in their hearts as their personal Lord and Saviour, they will go to Hell.  It is a place dark, dank, deep, and defiled, littered with howls, screams, agony and piercing-shrilling shrieks and yelling.  The reeking, stinking, pungent smell of vile odour in utter darkness with NO light, and the heat of fire that will absorb their souls is now a reality to those who reject our Saviour.  Without the shedding of blood is no remission (Hebrew 9:22).

There is a heaven to gain and a hell to turn your back on, friend. You don't need religion nor do you need what the Pope tells you, or anyone on this earth.  All you need is Jesus Christ. Won't you come to Him to allow Him to prepare a place (John 14:1-3) for you in heaven? We all have to stand before the Lord (Hebrew 9:27). For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom.3:23).
BUT their is hope and ONE solution for you all if one may read this.  If you are involved in a little or a huge sin, no sin goes unnoticed by the Lord.  He will cast those who reject His free gift of eternal salvation into the deepest, darkest, hottest hole after your death----H-E-L-L.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16:31
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Rom.10:13
He that hath the Son, hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. 1 John 5:12
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Rom.10:9

Amen and amen.

© Mike Carey, August 12, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Silent Preacher
I was thinking about what I could do for a short write-up, I thought, which can be dangerous at times me thinking. What can I do?  Then I read something and I said, "that is it!"  So, I titled this The Silent Preacher.  This is fact, too, as there is such a thing.  Can you guess? It is the simple, small paper called a gospel tract. This wonder is silent as the content words speak for themselves. It is what so many people hate receiving from others, and some are thrilled to get one as certain ones pertain to certain stories that relate to certain people.

I love the chick cartoon tracts as all love reading them.   I also like the Pilgrim Tract Society ones, though not colored or fancy, but most have true to life stories and they convict me much a lot of times . Some people reject them.  But, rejecting them, they are rejecting the free gift of salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ offers to them.  Refusing to accept tracts can put people in hell because they don't want to hear, no matter how much you may witness to one or give tracts to or pray for these people. Some tracts are not good so we need to pray before we buy certain brands, as many use perversions and not the KJB, thinking it is the Word of God when they are not.

Where the perversions may have just enough in them to actually save someone, one will never grow by reading the heathen perversions such as the RSV, ASV, NLB, NIV, NSAB, NASB, NKJV, TLWB, TBFS, WALMART, KMART, CAN.TIRE, GNFMM, LDSB, etc.  God never made more than one Bible but the KJB is the true Word of God.  One will grow spiritually  quick and efficient and make remarkable progress, if he truly loves the Lord, and wants to grow and learn about the Lord and His Holy Word after salvation and the succeeding times, too.

Tracts are a great witnessing tool when you have no words to say,  They will say most times exactly what you want to say, providing you give the right tract to the right person.  Sometimes you can give a wrong tract to someone at the wrong time and they will still be open to hear the gospel.  Others may not be open to it also, so you never know. Never let anyone discourage you from giving them out as many Christians never give any out anyway.  But, a lot just witness by mouth, which is great too. But, it is good to have a pocket full of tracts on hand too.  Me? I like giving out to people (we all need to as true Christians), especially if you are shy and short of words, not knowing exactly what to say. Don't give out if you do not know the gospel, and if you have no verses memorized. Else, though, you can show in the Bible where the verses are to others thereby helping you to be a more effective witness for the Lord. When the Lord fills you with His Holy Spirit, He will teach you what you need to know.  He will give you the words to say when you speak to others. He will give you ability to memorize salvation verses for verses.  Most importantly, He will show you the verses that state you are eternally saved and can never lose your salvation. He will give you the boldness you need to share God's word with a lost and dead world of sinners.
You can also leave tracts in places of businesses, phone booths, washroom areas, schools, in post offices, bulletin boards, and grocery stores.  But friend, never put them IN people's cars because you will be invading their privacy and you can be charged. On the outside under the windshield wiper blade is good. Remember to pray always.  If you never pray when you pass them out, chances are, no one will be receptive to seeing them and taking in what they read.  Pray much before and during sharing with others.  After that, you can place the tracts in areas where people can see.  Pray also after you done the job, and the Lord will honor what you did for Him as His Word will not come back void. Even if you never win a soul to Christ, yet a tract you leave behind that does win someone to the Lord Jesus Christ.  That one person can share with others and hundreds can be saved by the one tract you left behind that one person picked up and shared with others, amen!  Praise the Lord and glory to our God forever. So, just give some Silent Preachers to those you see and leave where you can and are able to.  AMEN.

(c) Mike Carey, August 8, 2011
Soul-Winning and Giving Tracts!