Monday, September 5, 2011

Bless the Lord - Psalm 103:2 (Part 2)

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103:2

I started a short mini series of this great opening chapter of Psalms  and l love it. With the Lord's permission l would like to continue on with this and will allow Him to lead me to say what is needed for HIS glory and not my own in any way.

Again, it is repeated in this second verse to bless the Lord (many times, in fact, in the whole Bible). l believe when it says something twice about a particular thing, we must take notice of it even more than when something was said only once. Twice in 2 verses, we need to acknowledge Bless the Lord even more and give glory to our LORD GOD for who He truly is.  Yes, twice as much we must.
This article may be long or short, l do not know, as l will go as long as the Lord gives me liberty.  Amen.
Again, we are to bless the Lord, O my soul. The first verse says 'and all that is within me'.  l believe this applies to the second time it is mentioned in verse 2 - 'forget not all his benefits'. This verse in continued thru to verse 5 because these following verses relate to the special and blessed benefits we receive from God when we are in strict obedience and surrender to Him.  When we bless and acknowledge Him; and when we give ourselves to Him 100% not 10%, 20%, 50%, or 75 % . He does bless us all in many ways even those who do not submit to Him or His rule. But, to the believer and born again child of God, He gives to them added blessings.  When we bless Him, or show Him divine favour, we give Him divine and heartfelt thanksgivings in EVERYTHING.
We are never to forget His benefits nor ignore all He has allowed us to have.  He gives us gifts of salvation, life, mercy and grace, and most of all the ability to work and have families. Many are not able to have or do such things. We are not to forget His benefits as they benefit us.  We have to have a love relationship with Him before above all.  These all include spouses, families, friends, work, etc. Once we are in love with our Lord Jesus Christ, and after we have accepted Him as our Lord and Saviour in our hearts and lives, He will then give us the benefits each day.  His will allows us to live.

A benefit is simply "an act of kindness, something received, to do good to." God does not have to do anything good or allow us to have anything.  In all His grace and mercy given to us each day, l believe He gives us benefits or things to allow us to live.  This is in order for us to be drawn closer to Him and seek Him in ways that He will be pleased with us. IF we are completely surrendered to Him and His will, IF we live according to His commandments and obey Him, IF we allow Him to have HIS way with each of us, and IF we do not delay to do what He has planned for us every day, then He would ALLOW us to see the day before us in fullness. But, because of our pride and selfishness, He holds back much, l do believe, because we don't fully trust Him in everything. 

How can a holy, righteous, just, fair and loving God, who created us, want to give us so much when we rebell against Him? It is very sad to see that we fail His goodness, and His holiness every day. We are not just or fair to Him in many respects because we come short of His glory every day.  We are ignorant of all He has done for us.  Yes, all He has given us and all He has allowed us to have. Even those who love us, we even take them for granted.  We never take time to keep in touch with them. We ignore them.  When we do get in touch with them, we can't wait until they leave.  We think it is bothersome to us if they stay longer because we are very busy with our own business.  We won't give our time to those who are truly in need of a visit,an encouraging word, etc.
Of all our God has given us, what benefit have you given to Him lately? l don't mean reading your Bible and doing studies, and being faithful to church and other things relating to the church.   What I mean is, what have you done for HIM LATELY this past week? Or are you too busy, too proud and too selfishly involved in your own rotten, self-righteous life to even acknowledge Him?
Don't forget GOD.  Don't forget Jesus. Don't forget the Holy Spirit.  Give them benefits that They would love to have.  Remember the wrath and anger of almighty GOD, when He judgeth the righteous.  He is angry with the wicked every day. He is angry with the majority of you, whether you like it or not.
Some of His benefits, l will share in another part as my time is gone for now.
© Mike Carey,  September 2011