Thursday, August 16, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Working For God's Glory
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12
Friends, this is my husband, Mike Carey. He is re-baptized in Bethany Baptist Church Cantilan (Surigao del Sur, Philippines) because we (Mike and I) want to work voluntarily fulltime for the Lord in the same local church (the church cannot afford to finance love gifts for church workers).
Mike and I know that as we take a step for God in faith, He will provide for us our every need.
God bless us!
Luisa Carey (with Mike)
(c) Luisa Carey
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Mike and Luisa's Wedding (Standing on God's Promises)
Mike and Luisa's Wedding
(Our 8th-Year Love Anniversary, too.)
Bethany Baptist Church
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
June 9, 2012
6:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
To the Wondrous, Dedicated, Loving, Real Moms In The Whole World
Happy Mother's Day!
When you are a mom, this is for you to reflect:
Proverbs 31:10-31
10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22 She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
24 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Real Crazy People?
To the one who wrote this, you are NOT crazy. You will go to heaven. The worldly learned people who think they had the best opinion when they said that, they will surely go to hell one day soon.
Luisa Mercado
Thursday, April 26, 2012
We Are Now Twelve Years!
(A Song of degrees of David.) Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1
12th Year Anniversary
Bethany Baptist Church
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Days Before
Pastor (in yellow shirt) was leading the work.
Even the young people helped (ladies no exceptions).
The young and not-so-young adults (woman, too) took turn to finish the work on time.
Garbage were ready for disposal.
The hungry workers!
Anti-Vespera (The day before the Church Anniversary)
Takes Before and After the Motorcade
Note: God's hand was on us during the motorcade. It was raining torridly for many days. The Weather Bureau said it would ran that day. Yet, God Allowed us to do motorcade with a nice weather - not hot nor cold! Rain poured out ahead of us wherever we went, but it stopped always where we were. Isn't God wonderful? To Him be the glory!
Anniversary Day!
Church members (not all were there)
Opening prayer (guests were given priorities on the seats inside the church)
Rev. Bernabe G. Escrupolo, guest speaker
Ptr. Ananias C. Bangonon and family leading the chorus
Young people presentation
The church choir
The church was full!
Lunch time! (These Police officers got saved.)
To God be the glory!
- Luisa Mercado
Monday, February 6, 2012
Separation Among Christians: Reasons For It and Why It Must Be Done
There is much said why so many people leave churches or have debates with other Brothers in Christ. Much is said, too, why each one believes they are right in why they leave, and wonder why and what happened. Today, there is good reason to be "ye separate" from other believers in the Lord. For good ones too, not to not talk with them when one has a chance. We need to acknowledge them in passing, be ye kind one to another and show grace to them, as this is only right. But, there are reasons, too, why fellowship with other believers could lessen your character and your walk with GOD Himself. (Quite a question? Please continue reading.)
Walking with God is more important than walking with others. When you have a walk with God that is undefiled and without spot, then will you be able to walk with other sisters and brothers in Christ. Then you will be able to get along with them even if you have not keep company with them. It's a shame that so many are too proud and stuck on themselves that they ignore other Brothers and Sisters by not even saying hi to them in passing. They are so Bible based that they abuse the Word of God. I will say hi to these proud people when l see them. But, I will not invite them to my place as it will weaken my walk with the LORD if l would allow them to influence me in ways which are ungodly. If they would try to make me compromise, give in to them and their beliefs, and not follow what my LORD GOD has told me in order to obey and walk with Him, then they are definitely off me.
Too often, we think so highly of ourselves that we are always right and every one else is wrong. I am wrong a lot. Will you admit you are? Or you too proud to do so? Most will not humble themselves in front of others. l have had to in front of other Christians and even the ungodly. But I have much to say and will give verses to show who we are not to walk or associate with. Remember, consider others above yourself. Anyway, you can talk with them without agreeing with them. This is true. We can and are able to do this. Jesus Christ was a friend of Publicans and sinners. We need to be like Him in this manner also without compromising and giving in to deceit and lies fed by others who are Christians or ungodly.
In Kings 13:11-22 (you read the entire chapter), you will see plainly that it talks about people I mentioned, and the consequences of their actions. I make this short as possible and let you read and study this. Thing is: here the old prophet wanted fellowship with the prophet of Judah. Reading on, the old prophet claimed he heard a word from the Lord when he didn't and he told a lie to the prophet with no name. Instead of obeying the Lord's will, the man of God gave in to the other man's will by fellowshipping with him. A lie was told that was NOT God's will. The man of God gave in to him, thinking he really heard from the Lord when he did not. Moral lesson of this section: God's punishment results when a lie was told, and man's will went against the Lord's will. When you know the Spirit beareth witness with your spirit in a matter, and someone else tells you different as to make you give in and obey them, you are setting yourself up for a fall. You will miss out on possibly the biggest blessing God intends to give to you. Also, there is disobedience here. Obeying man over the will of God will be detrimental to you. It will mean the difference in God's blessing for you and your life or fellowshipping with others for compromise. We are not to keep company with those who live in disobedience to the Lord's will. That means to have no fellowship with them no matter how much we may agree in many or most matters.
Acts 15:36-41 speaks of sharp contention between two brothers in Christ. Some preachers only teach that the only reasons some should leave a church or separate from others are adultery and false doctrines (if the preacher himself is guilty of). Yes, because if a preacher is caught in adultery and speaking false doctrine you have every right to leave, and never return. But, that is not the only reasons for leaving. Anyone who says only for these 2 reasons is part right and lying the rest. He is not telling you everything you need to truly know. Here in the passage Paul and Barnabas had sharp contention. Many unpleasant words were probably exchanged between them. Paul and Barnabas had to separate before it got too hot between them both. You can read and see for yourself the reason why. It is very important that you understand the serious matter between them (If l preach someday l may preach on such things).
Barnabas wanted to take John Mark and Paul disagreed. The disagreement and the sharing of probably unpleasant words caused them to part in different directions. No doubt, the Lord used both these men greatly too to fulfill His will. All were Godly men and had no choice but to separate.
Reading 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, we see separation from fornicators, idolaters, covetous and the extortioners (verse 10). Unfortunately, even born again Christians can become these things that sadden our Lord thru their unrepentant sins. Verse 11 says, ''if any man that is called a brother'' does not mean that he is a true brother in the Lord just because they be called a brother. Many call themselves brothers. Many are too, yet many are not. The verse does refer to those in Christ's. But, to keep separate from them is important.
Much study in done on this short chapter. Verse 13 says, 'But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away among yourselves that wicked person.' The wicked are not saved so it is easy to see those who cause divisions. Many Christians also cause divisions. This verse also refers to the godly. If l was a fornicator, all of a sudden do you think any godly person would want to associate with me? If l lied, or stole? Most certainly not. I would not even fellowship with the ungodly or godly in these areas. We are not to. Ephesians 5:11 says 'And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.'
In 1 Corinthians 9:18, Paul speaks of not abusing his power in the gospel. Are you an abuser of God's Word? l have heard it. l have been there to see it happen. l know some who do this in my 55 years of life. The young preachers have not the wisdom to truly know such things now till they get older. This is fact, too. Some may see but your eyes will be truly opened ONLY if you would seek the Lord's face on EVERYTHING through much prayer in every matter. The Lord has opened my eyes to such things. Being an abuser of the Word of God is lying behind the pulpit. Every preacher lies. Every church goer lies. Every parent lies to their children, and every child lies to their parents. This continues on and on. It is bold, cold, hard fact. No one is exempt in this. Everyone lies to everyone. He who says he does not is the biggest liar outside of hell itself. Hell hath enlarged itself and is growing due to many unrepentant people who hate and reject God. The Christian himself/herself lies to God too as he/she abuses what the Lord has allowed him/her to have. This is true for all. So, if you would get upset and annoyed, it only tells me you are convicted. If you say otherwise, you are a liar and an abuser of the Word of God. I lie, too. We all do. I know some who abuse the position the Lord has put them in. They are the ones who say you have to believe what the church and they believe. l have been told this. l have been accused of lying by so called Godly people. Did I? No, I did not. I have before. We all have, but I vowed to my Lord that I will not abuse the power He gives me to preach. I have no reason to. To lie is to say we are born sinners, that the Christian is wicked and not righteous, that babies are born heathen degenerates, rapists, sodomites, adulterers, baby killers, pedophiles, born in porno rings, gang shooters, murderers, fornicators, etc. The list goes on and on.
Abusing the Word of God is not to preach the full counsel of the gospel, not preach on sin and name it, and preach against what it truly speaks. It is to compromise and tickle the ears of people to speak good things to them. It is not to offend them or make them mad at preachers. Paul did not abuse the Word of God after he got saved and neither should anyone of us. But today, most are very weak. It is a shame why God does not call youth to be preachers. He can't trust their teachers, and them also later in life if the Lord allows them to preach.
2 Timothy 4:1-4, Galatians 1:6-9, 2 Peter 2:1-3 speak of lying, false doctrine, and perverting the gospel. These texts are good to read and study. It warns us also not to fellowship with those of so called like faith if they teach doctrine of devils and lie to deceive the people. It is very sad that you can see most of them as televangelists on tv. Very few are there that are not after the big buck. Believe it or not, Joyce Meyers is a wicked woman and a Jezebel-teaching man behind the pulpit. This woman is a multi-multi millionaire (only money she loves), a deceiver, a false teacher and seducer too. That frizzy-haired, sissy Joel Osteen is a heathen. He believes contrary to the Bible. He is not a true Christian because he belongs to another religion and rejects much or most of what the Bible has to say. A smiling idiot, Benny Hinn, lies, is a deceiver of people, and false minister. Charles Stanley preaches not on sin or does he condemn it. He teaches and does not preach. He only uses his perversion the NKJV, which is evil. There are so many well-known others, too. Many sodomites are allowed to speak and be ministers. They are an evil entity, are at enmity with God and are an enemy of God, too. Check this out and the revelation will shock you. They sadden the Lord. Does it anger and sadden you? Islam, Catholicism, Buddhists, New Agers, Lutherans, Calvanists, Mormons, Russellites, Black Muslims, etc., all these are religions and have not the Lord Jesus Christ of the KJB has. They do not know the true LORD JESUS CHRIST. Some cults pretended they do. Others have their own gods and their own jesus (small and big, black and white) which are false and evil, very vile and wicked in the eyes of God. I have the LORD JESUS CHRIST of the KJB and he is my Saviour, not what one of the heathen religions say of him. Their gods are idols and MY God hates that.
So, there are many reasons why we are not to fellowship or even associate with other Christians. There are several reasons, too, to leave a church if leader/s would lie, adulterer, fornicator. Leave also for the following reasons: if their will goes against God's will for your life, are contentious, are abusers of God's Word, are disobedient, are perverts the gospel, and are false teachers. There is probably more, too, but l came up with some main ones which are vitally important. You keep separate from them and leave the church if the things mentioned above are taught on. It is up to you if you want to stay and be grounded in false doctrines, the likes of them and become weaker. Or, you can leave and be stronger on your own, which is what it comes out to be at times, too. If the Holy Spirit does not bear witness with your spirit in what is taught, good chance you are not being taught true Bible and good sound doctrine. Even preachers are not taught this by their teachers. But, the proud will argue with it. When you know you are right you need not argue, which is why l will not argue. It's not worth it stooping to their level.
Walking with God is more important than walking with others. When you have a walk with God that is undefiled and without spot, then will you be able to walk with other sisters and brothers in Christ. Then you will be able to get along with them even if you have not keep company with them. It's a shame that so many are too proud and stuck on themselves that they ignore other Brothers and Sisters by not even saying hi to them in passing. They are so Bible based that they abuse the Word of God. I will say hi to these proud people when l see them. But, I will not invite them to my place as it will weaken my walk with the LORD if l would allow them to influence me in ways which are ungodly. If they would try to make me compromise, give in to them and their beliefs, and not follow what my LORD GOD has told me in order to obey and walk with Him, then they are definitely off me.
Too often, we think so highly of ourselves that we are always right and every one else is wrong. I am wrong a lot. Will you admit you are? Or you too proud to do so? Most will not humble themselves in front of others. l have had to in front of other Christians and even the ungodly. But I have much to say and will give verses to show who we are not to walk or associate with. Remember, consider others above yourself. Anyway, you can talk with them without agreeing with them. This is true. We can and are able to do this. Jesus Christ was a friend of Publicans and sinners. We need to be like Him in this manner also without compromising and giving in to deceit and lies fed by others who are Christians or ungodly.
In Kings 13:11-22 (you read the entire chapter), you will see plainly that it talks about people I mentioned, and the consequences of their actions. I make this short as possible and let you read and study this. Thing is: here the old prophet wanted fellowship with the prophet of Judah. Reading on, the old prophet claimed he heard a word from the Lord when he didn't and he told a lie to the prophet with no name. Instead of obeying the Lord's will, the man of God gave in to the other man's will by fellowshipping with him. A lie was told that was NOT God's will. The man of God gave in to him, thinking he really heard from the Lord when he did not. Moral lesson of this section: God's punishment results when a lie was told, and man's will went against the Lord's will. When you know the Spirit beareth witness with your spirit in a matter, and someone else tells you different as to make you give in and obey them, you are setting yourself up for a fall. You will miss out on possibly the biggest blessing God intends to give to you. Also, there is disobedience here. Obeying man over the will of God will be detrimental to you. It will mean the difference in God's blessing for you and your life or fellowshipping with others for compromise. We are not to keep company with those who live in disobedience to the Lord's will. That means to have no fellowship with them no matter how much we may agree in many or most matters.
Acts 15:36-41 speaks of sharp contention between two brothers in Christ. Some preachers only teach that the only reasons some should leave a church or separate from others are adultery and false doctrines (if the preacher himself is guilty of). Yes, because if a preacher is caught in adultery and speaking false doctrine you have every right to leave, and never return. But, that is not the only reasons for leaving. Anyone who says only for these 2 reasons is part right and lying the rest. He is not telling you everything you need to truly know. Here in the passage Paul and Barnabas had sharp contention. Many unpleasant words were probably exchanged between them. Paul and Barnabas had to separate before it got too hot between them both. You can read and see for yourself the reason why. It is very important that you understand the serious matter between them (If l preach someday l may preach on such things).
Barnabas wanted to take John Mark and Paul disagreed. The disagreement and the sharing of probably unpleasant words caused them to part in different directions. No doubt, the Lord used both these men greatly too to fulfill His will. All were Godly men and had no choice but to separate.
Reading 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, we see separation from fornicators, idolaters, covetous and the extortioners (verse 10). Unfortunately, even born again Christians can become these things that sadden our Lord thru their unrepentant sins. Verse 11 says, ''if any man that is called a brother'' does not mean that he is a true brother in the Lord just because they be called a brother. Many call themselves brothers. Many are too, yet many are not. The verse does refer to those in Christ's. But, to keep separate from them is important.
Much study in done on this short chapter. Verse 13 says, 'But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away among yourselves that wicked person.' The wicked are not saved so it is easy to see those who cause divisions. Many Christians also cause divisions. This verse also refers to the godly. If l was a fornicator, all of a sudden do you think any godly person would want to associate with me? If l lied, or stole? Most certainly not. I would not even fellowship with the ungodly or godly in these areas. We are not to. Ephesians 5:11 says 'And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.'
In 1 Corinthians 9:18, Paul speaks of not abusing his power in the gospel. Are you an abuser of God's Word? l have heard it. l have been there to see it happen. l know some who do this in my 55 years of life. The young preachers have not the wisdom to truly know such things now till they get older. This is fact, too. Some may see but your eyes will be truly opened ONLY if you would seek the Lord's face on EVERYTHING through much prayer in every matter. The Lord has opened my eyes to such things. Being an abuser of the Word of God is lying behind the pulpit. Every preacher lies. Every church goer lies. Every parent lies to their children, and every child lies to their parents. This continues on and on. It is bold, cold, hard fact. No one is exempt in this. Everyone lies to everyone. He who says he does not is the biggest liar outside of hell itself. Hell hath enlarged itself and is growing due to many unrepentant people who hate and reject God. The Christian himself/herself lies to God too as he/she abuses what the Lord has allowed him/her to have. This is true for all. So, if you would get upset and annoyed, it only tells me you are convicted. If you say otherwise, you are a liar and an abuser of the Word of God. I lie, too. We all do. I know some who abuse the position the Lord has put them in. They are the ones who say you have to believe what the church and they believe. l have been told this. l have been accused of lying by so called Godly people. Did I? No, I did not. I have before. We all have, but I vowed to my Lord that I will not abuse the power He gives me to preach. I have no reason to. To lie is to say we are born sinners, that the Christian is wicked and not righteous, that babies are born heathen degenerates, rapists, sodomites, adulterers, baby killers, pedophiles, born in porno rings, gang shooters, murderers, fornicators, etc. The list goes on and on.
Abusing the Word of God is not to preach the full counsel of the gospel, not preach on sin and name it, and preach against what it truly speaks. It is to compromise and tickle the ears of people to speak good things to them. It is not to offend them or make them mad at preachers. Paul did not abuse the Word of God after he got saved and neither should anyone of us. But today, most are very weak. It is a shame why God does not call youth to be preachers. He can't trust their teachers, and them also later in life if the Lord allows them to preach.
2 Timothy 4:1-4, Galatians 1:6-9, 2 Peter 2:1-3 speak of lying, false doctrine, and perverting the gospel. These texts are good to read and study. It warns us also not to fellowship with those of so called like faith if they teach doctrine of devils and lie to deceive the people. It is very sad that you can see most of them as televangelists on tv. Very few are there that are not after the big buck. Believe it or not, Joyce Meyers is a wicked woman and a Jezebel-teaching man behind the pulpit. This woman is a multi-multi millionaire (only money she loves), a deceiver, a false teacher and seducer too. That frizzy-haired, sissy Joel Osteen is a heathen. He believes contrary to the Bible. He is not a true Christian because he belongs to another religion and rejects much or most of what the Bible has to say. A smiling idiot, Benny Hinn, lies, is a deceiver of people, and false minister. Charles Stanley preaches not on sin or does he condemn it. He teaches and does not preach. He only uses his perversion the NKJV, which is evil. There are so many well-known others, too. Many sodomites are allowed to speak and be ministers. They are an evil entity, are at enmity with God and are an enemy of God, too. Check this out and the revelation will shock you. They sadden the Lord. Does it anger and sadden you? Islam, Catholicism, Buddhists, New Agers, Lutherans, Calvanists, Mormons, Russellites, Black Muslims, etc., all these are religions and have not the Lord Jesus Christ of the KJB has. They do not know the true LORD JESUS CHRIST. Some cults pretended they do. Others have their own gods and their own jesus (small and big, black and white) which are false and evil, very vile and wicked in the eyes of God. I have the LORD JESUS CHRIST of the KJB and he is my Saviour, not what one of the heathen religions say of him. Their gods are idols and MY God hates that.
So, there are many reasons why we are not to fellowship or even associate with other Christians. There are several reasons, too, to leave a church if leader/s would lie, adulterer, fornicator. Leave also for the following reasons: if their will goes against God's will for your life, are contentious, are abusers of God's Word, are disobedient, are perverts the gospel, and are false teachers. There is probably more, too, but l came up with some main ones which are vitally important. You keep separate from them and leave the church if the things mentioned above are taught on. It is up to you if you want to stay and be grounded in false doctrines, the likes of them and become weaker. Or, you can leave and be stronger on your own, which is what it comes out to be at times, too. If the Holy Spirit does not bear witness with your spirit in what is taught, good chance you are not being taught true Bible and good sound doctrine. Even preachers are not taught this by their teachers. But, the proud will argue with it. When you know you are right you need not argue, which is why l will not argue. It's not worth it stooping to their level.
God bless you all. My prayer is that the Lord will bless message this to someone. Maybe some get mad. This tells me conviction is setting in.
(c) Mike Carey; January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Some Questions To Ponder, Part 3
Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Proverbs 4:26
Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, [that] thou canst not know [them]. Proverbs 5:6
This is a continuation of the previous parts as it is hard to get time to do such things. Now l have a little to spare to possibly finish this. Again this was done in 2008. I have done some editing too in this final section. Here they are:
- Why is no one being convicted of their sins and wickedness these days? Because they have lost touch with God.
- Why isn't the power of conviction on people these days? Because all have resisted, grieved, quenched the Holy Spirit and people love their sins more than they love an intimate friendship with Jesus Christ, our Lord.
- Why are hypocrites behind the pulpits sending people to hell instead of preaching the whole council of God, the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, in a convicting way to slam home hard convicting truth, to humble the heathen to repentance, to confess their sins, accept Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to convict them in being saved?
- Why have we no tears for others around us who are lost and going to hell? Do we not care? Are we not concerned? Do we have no compassion for them? Why are we so oblivious to those around us that they need Jesus more than we ever could imagine? Is it true most of the time we are too comfortable within ourselves that we feel we have no need of the lost?
- Isn't it true we are comfortable in a way with how we live, our lifestyles, our refined manner, that we care not about the things of Christ and heaven the way we should?
- Why do we paint each other different colours in a way to bring a proud honour on ourselves and yet fail to realize and understand the simplicity of human life and the need for all humans to live the way we should before our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ?
- How do we expect God to fully bless us and answer our prayers if we continually grieve Him, resist Him and not allow Him to take first place in our lives to accomplish HIS will for our lives?
- Why do we not have deep heart trouble enough to be burdened with those we call "friends" in the church?
- Are we too self absorbed with the wickedness of this world to think all is ok when the whole world in actuality is going to hell?
- Do YOU love God? Do YOU love Jesus? Do YOU love the Holy Spirit? Why do you say I love, love, love, love Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit, yet live in total rejection and disobedience to them by blaspheming them, cursing them, doing and saying things that hurt them? At the same time never humbling yourself on your knees and face to admit your sinfulness to our gracious Lord God and confess your guilt, repent of it all, turn from it, and ask our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you? You know why? Because you are wicked and deceitful in heart. Your conscience is cold and calloused. Your hands are unclean and defiled. Your heart is not pure but hard with no feeling nor any conviction in you. Instead of the Holy Spirit indwelling in you, the spirit of darkness is in you.
- Are we that weak in faith that we can't become stronger if only we trust in Almighty God for everything? Why do we trust in the authority of man when we can trust in the power of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ for all our needs?
- Why can't we open our mouths and say "I'm sorry", "I admit I made a mistake", "if you please", "thank you", and "I love you" in a humble way with a tear in our eyes, instead of being too big of a person and too filthy prideful? And arrogant? And ignorant? And foolish? Why can't we all get along? No one ever will or can, but we could.
- Why do we have cram down each others throats our own philosophies, our own opinions, our own ways or how others should do things and live, when we should be helping each other; and learning and teaching good Godly values, morals, and character to others?
- Why do we need to have a say on everything that is said, instead of just showing some grace and a little kindness? Time we shut up for a change.
- I love God, do YOU? I love Jesus, do YOU? I love the Holy Spirit, do YOU? You do? How do you love all of them? Are you too prideful and contentious to do so? Are you too vile in your lusts to know how to? Or maybe you're no Christian at all and have never trusted and believed in Jesus to be your own personal Saviour. Think about this.
- Are we that rebellious that we can't give in to our Lord God and commit our lives to Him? Are we that ignorant that we'd rather believe in and trust in our own selves to get where we're going and not Him? Are we that disobedient that we can't even accept His final word in and for our lives?
- Do we live in such a state that our minds are set on what we think is good, Godly, and right, yet we can't and won't be dependent on Christ our Lord and have the mind of Christ, if saved?
- Why do we have a heart for the things of this world yet not convicted to lay up treasures in heaven?
- Has God humbled you lately? Has He smashed your hard heart and driven you to your knees before His awesome presence? Have you bowed before Him at an altar, sitting with tears streaming down your face with your head in your hands? (January 2012, I did today. Will you?) Have you given in to Him in a way that you feel the terrible burden in yourself that you have no choice but to cry out to Him in desperate need of our Saviour?
- Are we that prayer-less that we can acknowledge our God in heaven for His mercy He has shown to us? Why haven't you spent time in prayer with God? Why do you talk so little to Him? Why do you ignore the one who made you? Why can't you just allow Him to have control over you? Do you know what hard heartedness mean? No feeling and so sit there like a bump on a log too stubborn and pigheaded to fall down before our Lord and Saviour who is worthy to be praised and worship by you, ALL OF YOU.
- Why do we say I love you God yet don't mean it? Why do we say I will surrender to You Jesus as I give You my all, yet our ALL has NOTHING to do with Him? Why are we not moved nor feel deep conviction and have no heart to follow, trust, obey, live as we need to for Christ our Lord?
- Why are we so complacent and stagnant that we smell and reek of raw sewage? Are we that stale and dirty that we feel not the need to be cleansed by Jesus' blood everyday? Why are we not confessing our sins to Jesus each day? Why are we not being in heartfelt repentance to Him? Why are not turning from our filthy sins? Why are we not asking for God's forgiveness so we can get right with Him once and for all? WHY? WHY? WHY?
- Why is it that Jesus says 'If ye love me, keep my commandments'? Why is it that we don't? Have you held Jesus in your arms lately? He holds some of you, but are you holding Him? Well... are you? Or are you too full of pride? Are we really filled with the Holy Spirit or are we really filled with... OURSELVES? Have you been in a drunken state for Jesus or a drunken stupor for your lusts?
- Are you receiving what God has to offer you or rejecting it all for the satisfaction of others? Are you being led by the loving outstretched arm of Christ our Lord or led astray by the intimidating hand of the world?
- Why is it we sing 'Sweet Hour Of Prayer', but we won't devote that much time in prayer each day? What is one hour anyway? Why do we pray to God and talk to Him, yet not pray with God and talk with Him? There is a huge difference. When you don't know what to say to God, I believe He would love to hear you say 'have mercy on me a sinner' and 'I love you.'
- Do you know God says to you, "I love you", "I can and will convict you", "I can make you worship me", "I can take your life at any time", "I can make you do anything I want you to, but I won't"? Do you know God says, "I will be your friend"? "Please don't deny Me. Please be mine.", won't you?
- Do you know God says: "You break My heart when you sin"? "When you curse Me"? "When you reject My free gift of eternal salvation"? "Why do you turn your back on Me, can't you see my tears for you?" "Your heart may not weep for Me, but you know My heart weeps for yours"?
- Do you know God says: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"? So why don't you? God also says: "DO I not mean enough to you that you won't kneel before Me and worship Me the way you should"? God also says: "I made you to glorify Me and worship Me, yet why don't you? You claim you love Me".
Final thought...
- Do you know God says, "You talk a good talk and talk about praying to Me, thanking Me, talking to others about Me, but do you know all that you say. Your talk, your prayers, your walk is meaningless to me and shallow because your heart is not in it, and your pride overtakes your humility? Hypocrites!
When all else fails, just think of all He has done for you and give Him thanks in EVERYTHING.
© Mike Carey; January 14, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
What Will YOU Do With Christ?
Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. Matthew 27:22
You all know the story - all you who are familiar with this, the crucifixion of Christ our Saviour. Before this, Judas hung himself because of what he did. He betrayed Jesus Christ into the hands of the wicked chief priests and the elders. These men were evil, wicked and heathen. They even allowed Barabbas to be set free, and in turn crucified Christ Himself who did nothing to warrant such punishment. All these pagan heathen fools really wanted very much was His death. But old Pilate, in his so-called righteousness, said he was 'innocent of the blood of this just person', when if fact, he was nothing but a hypocrite who just passed Christ off to the priests and elders to make it look like he was innocent. But, Pilate was not innocent. He was much as guilty as the elders and priests.
In reality, we know exactly that the Lord God Himself allowed His Son to be crucified. Man's salvation is the real purpose. God's great love is the reason. Now, after what God had done unselfishly, let us, therefore, look at some things considering YOU. SO, what will you do with Jesus as the New Year is upon us? What will you do with Him whom you call your own? Will you continue to strip Him of what He has done for you in allowing you to live one more day out of His mercy (Matthew 27:28)? Will you put on Him a robe again to judge, condemn and see to it that He is nailed to the cross one more time out of your self-righteousness and pride? They stripped him off more than two thousand years ago. Will most of you strip Jesus one more time as you live a self-declared Christian life each day or the so called “christian life” (x-tian) because you refuse, deny and reject Him and His deity one more day? You actually abhor and hate Him, if you were living that way. If Jesus would have come again to earth, you would have crucified Him one more time! The only reason He would have never been crucified in the first place is if He compromised and preached not the truth. But He did. Which is why He was crucified and killed by you? Because of your pride, filth, rebellion and liberal mind, YOU put Him to death. Well, again and again, too. We all did! The “scarlet” robe you wear is your indignation. You won't rip apart what is seamless because of self. 'They stripped him'. Have you done the same? Do you strip again the Christ who died for you? Have you put Him on trial to once again kill Him, the one who came to earth to save you from a burning flame in hell?
Have you again put on His head a crown of thorns (Matthew 27:29)? Of course you do. You do that after you slap and beat Him. Because of the hate some of you have towards Him who wants to save you, you resist Him much and won't budge either. You, in all your pride and conceit, bury that crown of thorn IN His head with force. Yes, stinking PRIDE and CONCEIT do that to Him! With pain, He cries for you to come to Him, yet many of you won't because of the profaning of Him in His holy temple. You constantly curse Him because He came into the world to save us all. He came into the world to save sinners, not to condemn all. (Maybe you do not even know these.)
As HIS blood runs again down His face, does it run down yours, too? Or do you wipe it off so you won't confess your sins, repent and ask Him to save your hide from a burning inferno? Have you any tears at all reading Matthew 27 of the Holy Scripture? Have you any emotion for the ONE who bled and died for you? Or are you still full of bitterness and hatred towards the Lord Jesus Christ who died for you? Yes, YOU! So that you may live! Have you reached out to touch the One who can save you, if you are not saved from hell? Or are you still biding your time graciously and dumb waiting? One day late may be too late for you friend.
Why do you again mock and spit on Him? We all have, whether we think we have not (Matthew 27:30 - And they spit upon him, and took the reed and smote him on the head). What will YOU do with Jesus this New Year? Will you accept Him as your personal Saviour or will you wait for tomorrow? Tomorrow may never come. One day late can be the difference between heaven and hell.
Spitting upon Him again is the most insulting thing to do against our Saviour. The Jews and Romans did that dirty and evil deed before as they were filled with the devil. But, the act is purposely done by multitude today! Most of you still do it. By spitting on Him, you reject and deny His truth in His Word. By smiting or beating and hitting Him, you reject Him in who He is, what He had done, and what He can do for you if you put your trust and faith in Him. You beat and spit on Him all over again year after year continuously thinking nothing of it. I myself have been punched and sucker punched by people before for absolutely no reason. It did not feel good and it downright hurt. They were cruel. But, this continued unremorseful abuse of our Saviour even more today means these people rely on their stinking religion to save them (go to heaven), yet will not. Never!
We are a great lot, aren't we? Many preachers are exactly the same as those under them although many don't seem to see it. None, I say NONE, are exempt from the bloodthirstiness of man. He is becoming lower than an animal and things in this world are getting no better, regardless what others may say. It is getting worse. The crucifying of our Saviour, people do it all year round and every day. No wonder God is full of fury, wrath, anger, and hatred for sin the way the world is. He will come back soon and will settle once and for all we have intentionally made great mess to Him or even forget doing for Him. HE will then be truly worshiped and praised. Every rotten, rebellious evil's knee then will bow and every filthy tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.
Isaiah 50:6 - I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.
Again, what will YOU do with Jesus this coming New Year? Have you ever allowed others to smack you and spit on you even for once? Would you like me to belt you in the mouth for no reason at all? Fork and spit all over you? You would probably kill me or do it back to me. I know you would because you are evil and you have absolutely no grace or tolerance. What do you think Christ experienced? He had it all more than what we insignificant peons of people may even suffer. He did not hide from shame, but we would. He allowed all these to happen to Him, yet none of us ever would. Just for instance, you would allow someone to slap you. Surely, he would feel the rage in you building up as you would hit him back. Christ did not, but we surely would.
Isaiah 52:14 - As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men. He was beaten to death by all of YOU. His Father allowed this to happen, too (Isaiah 53:10).
But, man got his hands on the One who did nothing to mankind except to tell the gospel truth. Like today, too many don’t like the truth, and countless hates the Lord Jesus. This is why the world is the way it is today. This is also why man is the way he is today. Man has sunken lower than animals. Our Lord Jesus was beaten, brutalized and His body was ripped off apart more than any human alive could have experienced. Everything was done for all of us to save us from destruction (1 Timothy 1:15). How ungrateful we are!
Why don’t you take time and read Isaiah 53? Study it. See what it says and dwell in it with your mind until you can understand it. Let it drive home what it really tells you. So many just read and say, 'it is so sad'. For them it's just ‘other little things’. So it was the way it was, a pathetic story. How about YOU? Do you get utterly, emotionally sad and upset? Do you cry? Do you feel remorse and filthy after “crucifying” again our Saviour? No doubt you don't. Again, read it and study it wholeheartedly. This time, you may even be changed or have some pretty change of mind. Or would you still like to be beaten beyond recognition where no one wouldn't ever be able to recognize you or know who you are before you will feel it? That suffering happened to only one man in history and it may happen if He may allow Himself to come again. Yet, the same things would be the effect on the great masses. People would even do to our Saviour worse things than ever before. All would scourge, mock, spit, beat, rip apart the body, and again kill the one who came to save them from hell. Sad, sad unremorseful world! Again and again, I pause this big question: What will YOU do with Christ this New Year? Proclaim Him? Serve Him and others? Witness to others? Or continue to kill Him spiritually and in other ways, too?
(c) Mike Carey; December, 2011
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