Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sharing My Thoughts and Prayers: Focusing on Tract-Giving

 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!  Isaiah 52:7
Dear everyone reading this,
God bless you.
I am not taking away my beloved husband, Mike, from Canada and the people he loves very much there. I am only making my family bigger (his and mine). One day, at God's appointed time, Mike and I will be seeing them in Canada.

Mike and I would like to thank the people (Philippines and beyond) who have helped us in any way (prayers, finances, etc.). We may not be able to repay you, but God sees and will repay. Mike and I are just starting with ministry of gospel tract-giving as volunteers for Bethany Baptist Church Cantilan. One American has shouldered the expenses of children tracts (our special concentration)! This is truly a very huge blessing for us. These tracts will be available soon. We are praying for more sources of free tracts (fundamental baptists) sponsored by anyone or by the tract maker. Anyone of you, friends, who may be touched by God and want to share us prayers, tracts, anything that might h
elp God's ministry, you are most welcome and well-appreciated. You can contact us through message here on facebook and we will start from there. You can also ask our pastor about us. Just click "Bethany Baptist Church Cantilan" and send him a special message.
Thank you very much. Much blessings to whom God will touch.

Luisa (with Mike)
(c) Luisa Carey; August 8, 2012